Are we surprised that the Sampson County Recreation Department is going to take the Bellamy Center activities room and make four office spaces for their staff? The answer is no. So who do we look to for answers — our Mayor, our City Council, our City Manager or the Recreation Department?

When we were made aware of this plan, we thought a lot of effort had gone into this situation and it was going to happen. Oh yeah, the powers that be listened to our objection and played the game. We explained how we had met in this room since 1975. We explained that we need this space because the parking was convenient for seniors, the room was easy to maneuver for those of us handicapped or on walkers, the kitchen was available for our meals and the space was roomy for musicians or speakers that we had at our meetings. We thought we had a good case. We explained how staff offices would be undoable for anyone using the room, as the staff would be prisoners in their offices or they would disrupt any meeting that was going on in the remainder of the room.

We made the point to the manager, that if you ride around the City of Clinton, you would see many empty buildings that could better serve as permanent space for office staff for the Rec Center. Therefore, the Bellamy Center would remain for the reason it was established.

To quote Mr. Allen: “Consolidation will benefit customer service in renting the activities room at the Bellamy Center” —you have destroyed the space for rent. Are we the only ones that can see that room will have limited space for meetings?

We would like to ask the question, where we can meet with our senior group while the construction is being done. It certainly will not be an overnight job. We honestly feel this will destroy the center for any other meetings. Who cares if the seniors that have met there since 1975 will be without a meeting space?

The City of Clinton is the county seat of Sampson, the biggest county in the state of North Carolina. We read every day of senior centers being opened in smaller towns in North Carolina. The City of Clinton is not interested in seniors, or a senior center. Every senior in this community should be up in arms about this newest development from our city leaders.

As we said in the beginning, it is a done deal, but we want our politicians to know how disappointed the seniors of this county are. We are of an age that we felt our politicians took care of their constituents, not of themselves. Who knew?

Albert Roderick and all the members of The Golden Age Fun Club