The Clinton Lions Club, along with Lions Club members of surrounding counties, received a visit this week from Tammy Thomas, director of Camp Dogwood. Thomas coordinates a summer camp program for the blind and visually impaired, which provides each individual with activities that have been adapted to accommodate the visual impairment without limiting the individual. Thomas’ presentation started by sharing a video with lots of clips and photos of people having a good time at Camp Dogwood. Established in 1967, Camp Dogwood is situated on the shores of Lake Norman in Catawba County. Owned and operated by the North Carolina Lions Foundation, it is reliant on funding from private donors with no federal or state funding involved. The vision for Camp Dogwood has always been forward-looking, driven by a commitment to improving the lives of the blind. It’s the only place that the guests actually get to spend a week where everything has been adapted to them instead of them needing to adapt to everything else around them. They get to do all sorts of things that they would not normally be able to do (with supervision of course!). Activities range from boating and kayaking to miniature golf and beep ball to archery and target shooting with BB guns.